Thursday, April 17, 2008

'L' Socks: The Bain of my Existence

My son, Cole has decided that he will only wear 'L' socks. That's right. 'L' socks. What are 'L' socks, you ask? Well, let me educate you, because before this week, I didn't know either.

'L' socks are ordinary white socks. BUT they have a little black 'L' embroidered on the toe. This means 'large'. Apparently I bought these sometime ago, and it was since deemed that these socks are superior to any other socks on the planet. But, Cole owns exactly 3 pairs of 'L' socks. Do you see my dilemma? THREE pairs, not 7. That leaves four non-'L' sock days in the week.

Earlier this week, Cole woke up on the wrong side of....the bed? No, more like the wrong side of life. He was TICKED that there were no more 'L' socks in his drawer. We were late to school because of these dang 'L' socks.

I tried my best to change his mind. BELIEVE me. "How 'bout these socks instead, Cole? They're nice and cozy looking and would look GREAT on your feet!!" I said in the most chirpy voice I could conjure up at 6 am.

"Do they have 'L' s on them?"

"Uh. Well, Cole...not exactly. Um, well, no. No they don't."

Ridiculous. These are mornings no one tells you about. Seriously. When you're pregnant and all excited and glowing with anticipation for this new precious baby, no one ever clues you in the way it really is.

I'm thinking that when everybody is all happy dappy at a baby shower, sipping punch and oohing and ahhing over little cute baby booties, someone needs to pull the expectant mother aside and show her a little video or a reality slideshow or something. And they need to say, "Look. I know everything seems lovely and exciting now. But you need to know that it IS possible that this little bundle of joy might possibly make you late to work because he will decide one day that he will only wear 'L' socks. And you will tear your hair out over this. Now go back and enjoy your little baby shower games and your tea and cake. Because YOUR TIME IS COMING, sister."


Cole and I went 'round and 'round that morning. My chirpy voice was GONE. My smile: GONE, along with my patience. My 'Wrath of Mommy Voice' came out in full force. Cole finally stubbornly agreed to put on a dirty pair of 'L' socks (amongst tears and tantrums - MINE and his...) and finally we got out of the door. To save my sanity, I made a mental note to track down more 'L' socks that afternoon.

Ummm...yeah. Apparently 'L' socks are no longer being produced and not available anywhere in the entire Western United States.

I'm telling you, I looked in every store that has ever even THOUGHT about selling socks, and nothing. Nada. Zip. NO 'L' SOCKS TO BE FOUND. And with the money I burned through in gas, I could have bought a loom and made my own frickin' 'L' socks.

So today I broke the news to Cole. "You know what Cole? They just don't make 'L' socks anymore. I'm sorry, buddy. I looked and looked. But I just can't find them anywhere. You'll just have to wear your other socks."

"Oh ok, Mom. No big deal. I don't really like 'L' socks anymore anyway."



Yeah. It's a good thing I'm not picky about what kind of wine I like. Because tonight? I'm pouring myself a nice 'L' glass of whatever we have on hand


Lynn said...

HA HA HA!! Snickering over the "glass of wine" statement! Is THAT what keeps moms sane??? I don't like it... but maybe I could learn to?? Sheeesh! I was about to say that since you have an artistic nature, get a sharpie and "create" more L socks while he's away at school! Hehehe... but no problem no more, cos he doesn't like 'em anyway! GRRRRRRRRRR... kids. Mine are trying me in a hundred similar ways every day of the week here lately.

I'm weary!

To answer your questions about fancying up the posts - my friend Pam shared a cool program with me - Windows Live Writer. You can write your blogger posts in the program and it has lots of additional features to dress up your blog. Then the program allows you to go get additional plug-ins for Live Writer and boy are they cool! You can add in your smilies again, use cool features when inserting photos, etc. And when you are done, just click "publish" and it sends your posts right to your blog. Now ain't that cool!! I'm having a ball with it! It's still easy and time-saving as opposed to my old journaling where I handcoded everything, but it allows you to fancy it up a bit, over the regular blogger engine's capabilities - all with simple click and insert! Windows Live Writer - it's a part of the new Windows Live gallery of programs.

Sorry so long here -
Be good and relax now. You don't have to take the sharpie to dozens of generic socks! LOL!

Anonymous said...

w00t for 'L' wine!!


Kimberly said...

Oh how funny; but not so funny when it's your kid. I've never heard of L socks; but if I find any I'll sure let you know. I'll come visit more. I found you from Lynn's site, as I wanted to find out where the cute photo twist were that she had.

Lynn said...

Hey girl.. you didn't get into that wine too much to look up the Live Writer, I hope! LOL!

It's got a quick learning curve; just click on everything in it, to see what all it can do. You'll love it! Be sure to add the plug-ins - that's where the good special effects are!

Nite nite!