Monday, April 7, 2008

Evidently, My Daughter Listens More Attentively Than I Thought

Let me set the scene for you.

It was last night and I was in the kitchen making dinner. My husband was sitting at the kitchen bar with a cup of coffee. (I specifically remember this, because said coffee will shortly be snorted out of nose.)

Gage was in front of his X-box playing some mindless game.

Cole? I don't remember where he was. He was, no doubt, somewhere doing some Cole-thing, happily oblivious.

But, Lexi was Mad.


I seriously don't even know why. None of us did. She was ANGRY with her big brother. He did something, we don't know what, and he was completely unaware of her rage. Like I said, he was playing his game, in 'the zone' and had no freaking clue that Lexi was standing 2 feet from him yelling. (This, I'm guessing, added to her fury.)

Lexi: "GAGE! I am so MAD AT YOU!" See? Told ya.

Gage: "...."

Lexi: "I can't even BELIEVE you're on this PLANET. You make me SO UNBELIEVABLY ANGRY!"

Gage: "...."

Lexi "You know what? I don't even believe that I'm your SISTER, because you're so MEAN and SELFISH, and I'm so NOT!" Remember, this girl is 9 years old. For later. You need to remember this.

Gage: "...."

Lexi: "You know what else? You are such a .... Such a complete...." Now she's racking her brain trying to figure out the WORST name she can call him without getting in trouble...

Lexi: "You totally remind me of SUCH A..." Still screeching, still thinking...

Gage: "...."

Lexi: "YOU are no better than...You know WHAT??? You are EXACTLY LIKE...

I kid you NOT, my daughter said this.


Anonymous said...

Ladies and Gentlemen, that girl is MY NIECE!!

Mary said...

Did she get ento trouble? :0D

Diane said...

Nope! We were laughing too hard. Besides, we couldn't think of what to say. "Lexi, STOP saying your brother is like Hillary Clinton." Ha ha!

Mary said...

Very funny. I laughed about this all day.

Anonymous said...

OK Diane, I'm reading your blog today ~ and I had to laugh at this one - mainly because I'm wondering if I'm the only one reading your blog who is actually a HILLARY fan! Too funny! I wonder what word would have been chosen in our house...