And what makes them stay?
We've been asked these questions a lot. In fact Lynn asked them after reading my last post when I described us capturing the wild honey bee swarm. Lynn says, "I always wonder what makes the bees "like" the hive box? What makes them WANT to stay there and call that box 'home'? What would be their preference to live in and build the comb and have babies and honey in - if they didn't get shown the box?"
Great questions! I will try to answer as best as I can...
The hive boxes are made up of individual frames. Each frame looks like this:
Beekeepers construct those wooden frames, and then buy that comb that's in the inside of each frame. Here's a close-up of the combs that make up a frame:
See? The comb is already 'started' for the bees when they're introduced.
The bees feel right at "home" with these combs because the dimensions of each cell is exactly the dimensions that they would make their hives in the 'wild.' Someone named Robert Kerr figured this out, and invented these hive boxes. They're called Stewarton Hives (named after the town in Scotland where they were first used.) Also, bees find the sweet smell of the comb foundation irresistible because it's made from beeswax! After introducing the bees to the hive boxes, they quickly feel 'at home' and begin to draw out each frame sheet into 7000 beautiful uniform cells where they store food, raise brood and deposit honey!
So that's why bees like hive boxes, and why they stay. It's exactly what they need and want in a home. A lot of their work is already done and I suppose they find no reason to leave!
So, what would the swarmed bees do if they weren't shown the hive box? They'd find a hollow tree or other suitable 'natural' spot to move into and get to work building comb. Or, more likely, they'd die. :(
So there ya go! Hope that answered your question, Lynn!
Very interesting, Di! Thanks for explaining.
Lynn, thanks for asking. Good question. We all got to learn something new about bees.
well now... That explains very well! I did not know the wax was already in place in the frames tho did know about the frames. That's cool and I can see how the bees would appreciate this and get right to housekeeping there! Thank you ma'am!
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