Friday, March 28, 2008

Look What's Growing in the Garden!

Today, between snow showers (yes, we're STILL getting snow,) we decided it was time to 'till up the garden to get it ready to plant. So my husband got out his brand new (well, new to us - from Craig's List) rototiller, rolled it over to the garden, started 'er up, and was just about to get started, when we heard Lexi's blood curdling scream, "STOP!!! STOP, DADDY!" She was jumping up and down pointing at something in the garden. At first we didn't see anything:

Do you see it?

There is a bird nest in the garden - with 4 little eggs! This type of bird that nests on the ground - the Killdeer - nests quite often around our place. Sometimes they nest right on our gravel road! But this funny bird decided that our garden was a perfect place for a nest. So, needless to say, we did not rototill today. :) We shall wait until the babies are hatched and moved out. (Or until my husband gets tired of waiting. Which ever comes first.)

In other news, I'm savoring my last few days of Spring Break before going back to work. Wow, it sure did go fast. I didn't do a heck of a lot, but that was on purpose. It was nice to take life slow, for even just one week.

I did continue my quest to get the house Spring Cleaned. I even got the kids to chip in. Today? Gage, my 11-year old, was supposed to vacuum. I reminded him, and then I went outside to gather eggs from the henhouse. All the while, I happily heard the vacuum running in the house. Aaaah! Yes! Gage was doing as he was told. AND, I thought, when I get inside, the house will be nice and vacuumed!


The carpet was still a mess. "GAGE! I thought you were you going to vacuum the carpet. Get it done! NOW!"

Gage: dead serious - "Oh. You want me to vacuum the carpet? You need to be more specific, Mom."

Okay. That's disturbing on several levels. The thing that bothers me the most though? I heard the vacuum running when I was outside. What the heck was this kid vacuuming, if it wasn't the carpet? Sigh. I don't even want to know.

What else? OH!! Perhaps the biggest news of ALL! TOMORROW night is the Bruce Springsteen concert! That's right, Peeps! Woot! The best part? I'm going with my dear friend Samantha. Sam and I have been friends since college, and we went to a Springsteen concert 20 (eek... really? TWENTY?) years ago. Remember The Tunnel of Love? Oh yeah, baby. We were so there! And we're reliving the madness tomorrow night! (Well, reliving it minus the big hair and mini skirts.) And, of course Sam and I are SURE that when Bruce comes out on stage & scans the crowd, he will see that Sam and I are not only the coolest people there, but his biggest fans, and will invite us backstage. (Hey. Shut up. It could happen.)

Anyhoo, more on the concert soon I'm sure.


Red Letter girl said...

Don't still have big hair.

I wore a mini skirt in Paris. Maybe I'll find a picture for you.

Mary said...

Hope you're having fun listening to Bruce!